Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Next Big Thing

My first video received a ton of attention. My initial goal was 50,000 views and we exceeded that by 17,000. For this next video "Brother In The Brooks" we gotta go bigger. 100,000+ would be a nice goal. I think we did some extra things for this video to warrant that kind of exposure. Along with all the obstacles we had to over come before shooting, we finally captured some great shots.  Since we took so many shots and have so much footage, I feel a bit overwhelmed. Usually when a video is shot, there are teams of people who work on different parts for it to come together. I do not have a team of people to help yet, but I do have a couple of friends who have volunteered their time to help with ideas. This helps me out because I get an outside view of what looks good from their perspective. It can really take a lot of the weight off my shoulders too. I don't have an exact timeline of when it will be finished yet, but I know it will be done this month. I can't wait to share it with everyone.
View my other videos on YouTube here: